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EWB fights for the creation of a genuine European defense.

EWB Comments : Europe of Defense

EWB has produced an EWB Comments on the need for a Europe of Defense and strategic autonomy for the European Union. This video includes extracts from the debates of March 18 and 19, 2021 at the French National Assembly.


To mark Europe Day on May 9, 2022, Europeans Without Borders screened the film EUROFORCE, on the theme of "Young people and the Europe of defense".

Unfortunately, the war in Ukraine has given the film a certain topicality.


The film is available on YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, and can be commented on and shared by you on all three networks.

This clip describes the current situation, but does not anticipate the new opportunities that should be offered to young people as European defense evolves, requiring major decisions at the highest level of the European Union.

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Colloquium “What defense for tomorrow's Europe?

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